By The Millions
Automated smart contract inspection
Malicious vectors detected
Malicious smart contracts detected
BUILDING WITH and supporting the BEST ECOSYTEM in web3

Alerts and updates

of cryptocurrency was stolen in 2022.

of those thefts were traced back to DeFi protocol hacks.

in theft can be attributed to nation-state bad actors.

$3.8 billion of cryptocurrency was lost to avoidable hacks and vulnerabilities in 2022.

Trugard would have detected at least 82% of those vulnerabilities.

Safeguard yourself with trugard

Active threat detection & prevention

Engage with digital assets with confidence, with Trugard’s comprehensive solutions keeping you safe every step of the way.

Real-time attack vector evaluation

Stay informed at all times, with Trugard’s systems continuously evaluating both current and future hazards to your digital asset positions.

Off-chain network monitoring

Through our global network of industry partners and government organizations, Trugard keeps you safe from dangers both on- and off-chain.

Decision Support

Insights when it matters the most. When decisions are made in the moment or over a period of time, insights are expected to be available immediately.

Real-time transaction risk assessment

Customers get immediate and actionable safety indicators resulting in higher end user transaction safety.

Built by a team of hyper-scale, cybersecurity, and AML specialists, dedicated to keeping the digital assets space safe and growing.

With our decades of combined experience in developing and implementing cybersecurity strategies to protect users from making costly mistakes, our team provides top-tier, innovative methods for protecting you and your customer’s digital assets - no matter the risk level.

trugard offers security tools for anyone involved in digital assets.

No matter how far down the rabbit hole you go.

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Wallet providers
Custody providers
Financial institutions & market makers
Digital asset exchanges
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Masterkey Venture Capital logoMorgan Creek Digital Assets logoEvolution Equity Partners logoTessera Venture Partners logo

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